's been a while i tak post new ckit..huhu..hmm, just nak share satu citer malang wid u all.. My car been scratched!!! it happened on 13 july 2009. tak tau la keje saper.. but i did suspect few people yang ada motif utk wat keje bodoh ni.. motif? hmm, ntahlah.. wat ever it is, i dah pun make a police report.. i've given all the details based on beberapa maklumat yg i ada bout the suspects.. Police did mentioned yg diorg cume bole siasat bout dis matter but takle nak wat tangkapan coz i takder bukti atau saksi yg nmpak kejadian tu berlaku.. bole dikatakan, org yg wat dajal kat my car tu selamat la dis Allah tahu and for sure, diorg ni tak selamat la kat akhirat nanti..but the police officer bg jaminan lau i nmpak jer makhluk2 yg **** berada hampir ngan my car, i call balai immediately..biar kene tangkap makhluk2 ni..padan muka.. papehal pun, i lah yg merana..kete calar..hati sakit..dah tu, i yg kene bear all the cost utk cat balik the whole car..bukan bole cat ckit2.. mmg kene tembak full body..takper la..setiap yg berlaku tu ada hikmahnye... huhu.. k lah..almost lunch time dy.. i nak balik tdo..ngantuk.. semalam tdo lmbt coz tgk movie "a walk to remember" favret movie ever!!! u all should watch d movie..till next post..adiosa amigosa..
Front passenger side...
baik dibalas baik,jahat dibalas jahat......